haii welcome to my site (≧▽≦)/ this place is my own creative outlet and a little home for my ideas, thoughts, and more. a few months ago, i had never heard of the 'old web', nevertheless geocities or neocities, discovering this place was like a treat and i wish i had known about it sooner. i've become really inspired by a ton of blogs and websites i've found here and on youtube, especially all the cool creative stuff people have made, it made me think i wanted to be part of it too and create something pretty. although it's the world i grew up in, i wish that sometimes we didn't have the social media platforms we are used to today and instead kept with older stuff like this. unlike instagram or whatever, the things that i add here aren't for anybody else's eyes except my own (as im the one who'll spend the most time on this site anyways). despite that, i really appreciate people visiting here and exploring what i've created! i hope you feel a bit inspired by my site too and come back to visit again goodbye!

- Goo3ey

- finish center section
- "resources" page
- "diary" page layout
- "interests" page
- "recipes page"
- draw and upload head banner
- music box player

08/25/2023...Working on a resources page, will be completed soon. if you are curious about any resources i've used for this site please check it out!

08/22/2023... Finalized the center, pixels closet (to the left) and more.

08/20/2023...Created updates box.

(lateish)08/2023.....I start over and began creating this site